PTU Syllabus 2018 app provides latest syllabus along with previous syllabus of B.Tech under I.K.GUJRAL PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY,JALANDHAR.
It contains B.Tech Syllabus of streams CSE, CIVIL, ECE, ME, EE, IT, AND EEE in semester wise manner. The syllabus is taken from official website of I.K. GUJRAL PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY.
It also provides ease of access of PTU Result, PTU Official Website, PTU Syllabus Page, and PTU Previous Year Papers.
*Key Features*
-Updated Syllabus of B.Tech of streams CSE,CIVIL,ECE,ME,EE,IT, AND EEE
-Check PTU Result
-Simple User Interface
-Simple Reading Experience
-Ease of access to related websites
Note: This is not an official PTU App.